Baby Bathing Basics: A Parent's Guide

  Are you wondering how to bathe a young child? Here's a step-by-step guide to help you master the basics. Bathing a newborn with sm...


Are you wondering how to bathe a young child?

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you master the basics.

Bathing a newborn with smooth skin can be a nerve-wracking experience, and a baby may not like it either. But with a little practice, you'll start to feel more comfortable at bath time. Start by learning the basics of baby bathing.


How often does a newborn baby need to be bathed?

There is no need to bathe your newborn baby every day. Three times a week may be enough to make your baby more mobile. Over-bathing your baby may cause his skin to dry out. If you're quick and meticulous in changing nappies and burping clothes, you're already cleaning the parts that need to be taken care of — the face, neck and diaper area.


Is it better to bathe my baby in the morning or in the evening?

This is up to you. Choose a time when you are not in a hurry or you can be interrupted. Some parents prefer the morning bath when their children are alert. Others prefer to make their children's bath a part of the calm ritual before bedtime. If you bathe your baby after eating, be sure to wait until your baby's stomach settles a little bit first.


Is it sufficient to bathe the baby with a sponge?

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that an infant sponge bathe until the umbilical cord stump falls off — which can take anywhere from one to two weeks. To bathe your baby with a sponge, you will need:


A warm place with a flat surface. It can be used as a bathroom or kitchen counter, baby changing table or firm bed. It's okay to even use a blanket or towel on the floor. Line hard surfaces with a blanket or towel.

A sheet, towel, or soft pillow. Unfold it so that the baby lies on it.

empty hand. Keep only one hand on your baby. Also, use a seat belt if he is lying on the changing table.

A shallow plastic bowl or basin to hold water. Warm water in a bowl or sink. Check the water temperature with your hand to make sure it isn't too hot.

Basic supplies. Bring a washcloth, towel — preferably a hooded one — a mild baby shampoo, mild moisturizing soap, baby wipes, a clean diaper and a change of clothing.

Take off your baby's clothes and wrap him in a towel. Lay your baby on his back in the prepared area. To keep your baby warm, only expose the parts of the baby's body that you wash. Wet a piece of cloth, wring out the excess water, and rub it on the baby's face. Wipe each eyelid from the inner corner to the outer corner.


To clean your baby's body, use plain water or a mild moisturizing soap. Pay special attention to the creases under the arms, behind the ears, around the neck, and in the diaper area. And also clean between the fingers of the hands and feet of the baby.


What is the best type of baby bathtub?

Once your baby is ready to bathe, you can use a plastic tub or baby bathtub. Place a clean towel beside the bathtub or bathtub. Gather items you will be using such as a bath sponge, a cup of rinse water and, if necessary, baby shampoo, before you start bathing. This will allow you to have one hand on the baby at all times. Never leave him alone in the water.


How much water should I put in the aquarium?

The common recommendation is 2 inches (about 5 centimeters) of warm — not hot — water. To keep your baby warm, you can pour water over his head during the bath. Some research suggests that using a little more water — enough to cover your child's shoulders — can soothe him and help reduce heat loss. Whatever the amount of water, make sure you hold the baby securely during the bath.


What about the water temperature?

Warm water is best. To avoid scalding with hot water, set the water heater thermostat below 120 F (49 C). And always check the temperature of the water with your hands before bathing your baby. The best water temperature is 100 F (38 C). And make sure the room is comfortably warm, too. A wet baby can catch a cold easily.


What is the best way to hold my newborn in the bathtub?

Holding your baby tightly will help him or her feel comfortable and stay safe in the bathtub. Use your unreliable arm to support your baby's head and neck, and use the other arm to grab his body and bring him into the water with his feet first. Continue to support the baby's head and back as necessary. You can extend your arm behind the baby and hold his arm from the other side while bathing.


What should be washed first?

Most parents start with the baby's face and work their way down to the dirtiest parts of the body. This procedure keeps the rinsed parts away from the soap.


Should a newborn's hair be washed?

If your newborn baby has hair and you think it needs washing, you can do it without worry. Gently massage your baby's scalp with a drop of diluted baby shampoo. Rinse off the shampoo with a cup of water or a damp cloth, making sure you place your hand on your child's forehead to keep him out of his eyes.


Does using lotion after bathing the baby help prevent rashes?

Most newborns don't need lotion after a bath. If your newborn's skin is very dry, apply a small amount of an unscented moisturizer for babies to the dry areas of the skin. Massage can make your child feel better. If your baby's skin is still dry, you can try bathing with water more often.


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Baby Bathing Basics: A Parent's Guide
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